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Fire at an Email Company

Fire at an Email Company for Providing Information to the Police

Fire at an Email Company: The company’s encrypted email, Proton Mail, comes under attack after sending individual users to the authorities. Swiss Group sells its confidential notes, promising “authority” users will receive their personal information.

Fire at an Email Company

The news came when Internet inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee joined the company’s global advisory board. The secret is good In a press release announcing his appointment, Sir Tim said: “I’m very confident in the secrets – and it’s good that Protonus gives people information about their power, in fact, on the internet.

  • Encrypted addresses “cannot be disclosed to third parties,” the Proton website said.
  • And with end-to-end encryption, “Internet Protocol [IP].
  • We live in pain even when the consequences have not begun.
  • And Proton Mail has removed it from the front page of its technology website.
  • Which said, “your update is a criminal case – and if it is not removed, we’re sorry for the inconvenience”.
  • Its privacy policy now reads, “If you violate Swiss law, Proton Mail” should open your IP address as part of the Helvetia criminal investigation.”

On Twitter, Proton Mail CEO

  • Serious Crime On TwitterProton Mail wrote on its blog that it had received a “legally binding” order to gather information from the Swiss authorities.
  • But the company said it was unaware that the target customer was a climate worker.
  • On Twitter, Proton Mail CEO Andy Yen criticized the data request.
  • Proton Mail said it should be legal to gather information.
  • Because of the so-called “climate work”. Which has been arrested by the French police.
  • The news came when Internet inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee joined the company’s global advisory board.

The company says it will always be clear that, although not normally disclosed. There is a need to report IP-related information to the system.

  • Files on the Internet also show part of their website previously mentioned in the Proton Threat Copy.
  • This may force the company to log in legally to your IP address. “
  • The Company also accepts requests for public relations information.
  • And last year, more than 3,500 proposals received help from the Swiss authorities, from just 13 in 2017.
  • The company stated that it is compatible with employees and recommends the use of the Onion Router (Tour) anonymity network technology.
  • Which hides the IP addresses of users at different levels of security.



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