Google Highlight

Google Highlight Is Starting to the Latest Articles From Journalists

Google Highlight Is Starting search results for journalists that can now include a carousel showing their recent work. Google is testing a change in search results for teen journalists that includes a carousel of their latest articles. The new beta feature in Google search is designed to help users learn more about an individual journalist. Or author by highlighting their recent work.

Google Highlight Is Starting How to Optimize the Article Carousel:

Google is seeking the help of publishers to supplement these new carousels with recent work by an author. At the very least, structured data should include the name of the journalist or author and biological pages for their reporters describing their experience.

With so many complex and important stories unfolding every day. People do not Only rely on specific publishers for Breaking News. But are increasingly turning to individual journalists, writers, and credible experts. These article carousels are an extension of the existing knowledge framework for journalists.

  • When searching for a nominated reporter, google returns an information box about him at the top of the screen. It’s similar to how Google highlight is starting would be for any other public figure.
  • Links to recent articles will now appear in searches for a Small subset of journalists.
  • Users can browse articles as if they were browsing the top story carousel in search of timely news.
  • This will help researchers get a better idea of the types of stories, then the reporter covers and gets an idea of what their writing style is like.
  • When consuming news, it’s important not only to pay attention to who the publisher is and what it represents but also to know the person behind the subtitle.
  • If you read a news article that has a controversial download of a current event, you can google the author and see how other news is reported.
  • Through this research, you can find that this particular reporter tends to target the shocking price over the target ratio. From there you can make a detailed decision on whether to read their coverage again in the future.


For starters, this new feature is only available to a limited number of us-speaking journalists with us. And is accessible on mobile devices. Google is trying to extend the functionality over time to more journalists, devices, and languages.

To ensure the best experience, google will experiment with different ways of organizing content. Anyone can comment by clicking the Comments button in the lower right corner of the article carousel.

  • Google claims that it is actively looking for ways to improve the carousel of the news article, and using the Comments button is the best way to hear your ideas.
  • Ultimately, we want to provide readers with a way to quickly and easily find out more about the people who report issues that affect their lives.

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