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HPV and Pregnancy

HPV and Pregnancy – Symptoms, Risks, Diagnosis, and Treatment

HPV and pregnancy human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the leading cause of sexually transmitted infections. HPV infection is normal 75% of sexually active adults will become infected at least once in their life. Most HPV infections are symptomatic.

However, mild immunosuppressive conditions and hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause symptoms of HPV infection during pregnancy. Read below to learn more about the symptoms, risk factors, treatments, and preventive measures of HPV infection during pregnancy.

Symptoms of HPV Infection:

HPV infections are usually asymptomatic. The most common symptoms of infection are mosquitoes, which can appear anywhere in the body. Mites found inside or outside the genitals or anus, usually show HPV sex. Other common symptoms of HPV infection:

  • Smooth lesions that look like acne
  • The sensation of irritation or burning sensation in the genitals
  • Vaginal bleeding during or after intercourse

These symptoms can occur with other conditions, such as other sexually transmitted infections. Some types of HPV can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, vagina, anus, throat, and mouth. Therefore, consult a doctor to determine the main cause.

Method of HPV Infection:

HPV infection occurs in one of more than 100 types of human papillomavirus. The HPV virus can be transmitted to an infected person in the following ways.

  • Vaginal, oral, or anal sex
  • Touch the culture of a loved one
  • Touch contaminated objects b. Door

The virus can be contagious, even if it has no symptoms. The most common symptom of HPV infection is the invisible citizen a few weeks after infection.

Risk Factors for HPV Infection During Pregnancy:

The following factors may increase the risk of HPV infection during pregnancy.

  • Sexual activity: women who have sexual intercourse during pregnancy may be at increased risk of contracting the virus.
  • Multiple sexual partners: women who have multiple sexual partners are at higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, such as HPV.
  • Weakened immunity: stress, diabetes, and certain medications can weaken the immune system and lead to infections such as HPV.
  • Previous infections: with previous viral infections, the risk of HPV infection may be higher: B. HSV (herpes) infection.
  • Age: one study found that women under the age of 25 may be at increased risk of contracting HPV during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of HPV Infection During Pregnancy:

HPV testing is usually not done during pregnancy. However, if your doctor is suspected of having any symptoms of infection or if he or she has been diagnosed with any of the symptoms during a routine check-up, they may be tested for HPV.

  • Pelvic exam: OB / GYN will perform a pelvic exam to see if there is a civilian.
  • Pap smear: it is useful to wash a folder to detect malfunctions in the cell. The sample is taken from the uterus and the infection is examined.
  • Colposcopy: This test is used to detect genital warts or abnormal cells in the uterus. Your doctor may recommend a biopsy to check for erectile dysfunction.
  • Molecular testing (HPV DNA test): the HPV DNA test is performed after a doctor diagnoses an abnormal pap washer and confirms the presence of sex Glands. Additional testing to assess high-risk HPV infections that can lead to cancer.

Treatment of HPV infection during pregnancy. There is no known cure for HPV infection and the virus remains in the body permanently. However, the immune system often relieves the symptoms of infection by suppressing the effects of the virus.

Treatment For HPV Infection During Pregnancy:

  • Cryotherapy: usually a method used to freeze mosquitoes or uterine cells in the uterus with liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser removal: this method uses high-intensity light to destroy abnormal cells or tissues.
  • Electrical removal (electrocution): this is the process of burning infected tissues and civilizations with the heat of an electric cutter.
  • Important medicines: your doctor may prescribe some medications for civilization.

Therefore, do not use excessive wart treatments. The doctor may prescribe appropriate treatments, taking into account the risks and complications that may occur depending on the severity of the symptoms and the duration of pregnancy.

Prevention of Hpv Infection During Pregnancy:

The HPV vaccine can prevent some types of human papillomavirus infection. You can do the following to avoid the risk of infection during pregnancy.

  • Have safe sex: remember to use condoms during sex to reduce the risk of HPV infection and other sexually transmitted infections. Research has shown that sexually transmitted condoms can reduce the risk of HPV infection by 70% in women.
  • Take a monogram: having multiple sex partners can increase your risk of sexually transmitted infections, such as HPV.
  • Discuss the risks of STDs with your spouse: determine if your partner has sexually transmitted infections prior to intercourse (15).

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