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Identify for a Better College Experience

Identify for a Better College Experience for Everyone

Identify for a better college experience, the first memory I had of a standardized school test was in second grade. I got ready: I had twelve sharp pencils and my mom made me some extra snacks. Nothing was stopping me. This was true until the first part: the demographic section. More specifically, it was the part of race and nationality that stopped me in my tracks.

Identify for a Better College Experience for Everyone

I did not have the opportunity to think much about my identity since. The desire to finish my exams overwhelmed me. But those words certainly had an impact. Since then, I have had the strange feeling that I am not in perfect harmony with my peers. I felt that I was not in a position in the K-12 system in new jersey and sometimes this feeling persists during my time at the American University in Washington, DC. This insecurity stems from the lack of representation among the teachers I had. I have never had a Spanish-speaking teacher other than my 1 Spanish teacher in high school when I was in the K-12 system.

The Absence of Hispanic and Latin Teachers

  • Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the absence of Hispanic and Latin teachers has spread to the college. In 2017, only 5% of U.S. University faculty were Hispanic.
  • Meanwhile, at least 20 Percent of college students were identified as Hispanic. In addition, only 15% of Latinx adults hold a college degree, despite being. The second fastest-growing ethnic group in the united states.
  • While this trend is merely a snapshot of racial and ethnic inequality in higher education. It is still indicative of an academic culture that has alienated Latin students and other students of color for too long.
  • Fortunately, there are tangible ways to address these inequalities.
  • First, it is essential to educate Latinx students, especially first-generation students, about the availability and accessibility of financial aid. And scholarships, as reach higher, has done for the past seven years.
  • Once Latinx students arrive on campus, connecting with mentors is the key to the difference.
  • The association of independent teacher advisers states that connecting with at least one mentor is crucial to the success of Latinx graduate students. Because it can help them on their educational and professional journey.
  • In addition to teachers, graduates or professionals, a great resource for finding Latinx mentors is the Spanish heritage foundation’s Latinos on fast track (LOFT) institute.

College Expenses and Financial Support

I am a first-generation Mexican-American. My mother emigrated to the united states from Mexico and married my Italian-American father. This makes me Latin and white. To go even deeper, my mother’s side is mestizo which means mixed in Spanish and is often used to describe people with white European and indigenous origins.

At the time, standardized tests did not give anyone the ability to identify as white and Hispanic or Latino, or to choose multiple races. I had to make a difficult choice by choosing only one box because it discredited the full picture of my unique identity. Not knowing who to turn to, I asked my second-grade teacher what to do. I will never forget what she said: it doesn’t matter, the important thing is to finish on time.

Additionally, paid internship opportunities can help Latinx students with their professional development and networking, and can also be a lifeline for college expenses and financial support for themselves and their families. In fact, my older sister did an internship at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) for many summers via inroads and she eventually became a full-time PWC employee after graduation! Not only that, but the Spanish access foundation (HAF) offers paid internships in federal organizations and services to Latinx students and alumni.

  • Many of their programs, such as menu, offer housing and transportation benefits. Through this, I was able to confront the ministry of the interior with the national park service as.
  • Digital education tool. In this role, I have the opportunity to cultivate my passions for citizen participation and public sector communication.
  • Basically, Latino, Identify for a better college experience Hispanic and other Bipod students should have the opportunity to share. And fully integrate all their identities securely in and out of the classroom. As Sonia Sotomayor once said, As long as we don’t have equality in education, we won’t have an equal society.

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