LinkedIn Changes 2022, Changes to the LinkedIn feed algorithm aim to provide users with better, more relevant content and encourage discussion.
LinkedIn is updating its algorithm and changing the way content is rank in users’ feeds. Additionally, users have greater control over their feeds as they can block certain categories of content from being viewed.
More Content From Thought Leaders LinkedIn Changes 2022:
- You can also choose to see more content from thought leaders, industry experts, and creators who aren’t part of your network.
- This update aims to create a more personalized and relevant experience, generating meaningful conversations and engagement among users.
- Here is an overview of all changes made to the LinkedIn feed.
Users Have More Control Over The Content Of The Feed:
- LinkedIn now offers users the ability to restrict content they not interest in.
- You can choose the “I don’t want to see this” option for individual posts and minimize content from specific authors.
- says Linda Leung, Director of Product Management at LinkedIn, in a blog post.
- We’re testing new ways to get status updates for every single report you send. We’re always trying to improve, so there’s still work done on feed reviews.
- Going forward, the more you use it, the more we learn about your preferences and can customize your experience. “
- Users can also limit the amount of political content shown in their feed. This feature is currently being tests in the US only, but may expand to other regions and languages.
The Feed Shows Less Irrelevant News and Updates:
- Changes to LinkedIn’s feed algorithm mean it now shows more targeted activity from a user’s network.
- An attempt is made to prioritize posts and actions that are valuable. Rather than comments or actions that members do not find useful.
The LinkedIn feed now shows more than:
- Posts, videos and other content relevant to users’ individual interests.
- Authentic engagement opportunity.
- Safe and productive conversations that follow community guidelines.
- Based on your feedback, LinkedIn filters polls to show only useful and relevant polls.
- Low-quality content that explicitly encourages interactions will not promote as LinkedIn strives to promote better quality content.
The Linkedin Feed Shows Less Than:
- Irrelevant updates, i. H. the comment of a connection to a post by someone with whom you are not connect.
- Political orientation post (if desired).
- Alerts: Users will no longer be notified of location changes or updates on their network.
- So, Low-quality click-bait posts designed for engagement.
- Polls from people you don’t know.
- What it means for companies.
LinkedIn has seen its engagement numbers grow for six consecutive quarters. This means that the opportunities for companies to use it as part of their marketing and recruitment strategies have grown hand in hand.
However, given these new changes, some companies may need to reconsider their approach. You will no longer be able to use “growth hacks” to attract large audiences and instead, creators will have to focus on creating quality content that will increase engagement and attract an audience.