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Summer Special Pina Colada

Pina Colada – The Easiest Recipe to Make Special Summer Pina Colada

Pina Colada is a refreshing addition to summer meals. Pina Colada is a refreshing addition to summer meals.

While the quintessential Pina Colada recipe is quite extensive, we have found an easy version that can be made with just three simple ingredients.


  • We like to cool the refrigerators in the summer.
  • Pina Colada is a popular choice for everyone.
  • We found a virgin pina Colada recipe that contains only 3 ingredients.

Summer can be really brutal. Dehydration, indigestion, pimples, irritation, and more the unbearable heat brings a lot of problems. And as soon as you start blaming the season for all your problems, the colder ones come to the rescue. We really like the variety of refreshing drinks that summer brings, especially the fruity ones. These drinks help us cool off in no time.

Thus, we use juicy and moisturizing tropical fruits (watermelon, pineapple, mango, etc.) to make various drinks and swear by each of them to quench our thirst. Then, such a popular choice for many is a refreshing glass of Pina Colada. If you are like us, you will surely choke on litres of this drink in the summer. Made with fresh and sweet pineapple, pina Colada is simply irresistible.

According to popular belief, Pina Colada is a tropical rum-based cocktail that is best served in bars and restaurants. But did you know, it also has a non-alcoholic version of virgin Pina Colada? That can be made at home to please even the non-alcoholic members of your team? While the basic recipe is quite extensive and includes some ingredients, we found an easy version that can be made with three simple ingredients: fresh pineapple, coconut milk, and sugar/honey. And if the pineapple is too sweet, you can avoid adding sugar altogether.

For this recipe, you can purchase ready-made coconut milk available at every grocery store. Thus, but we recommend that you use fresh coconut milk to get the best taste and flavor of the drink.

How to Make Coconut Milk at Home:

1. Grate the coconut and add it to a mixing jar.
2. Add some hot water and mix.
3. Take a clean cloth, pour in the coconut water mixture, and drain the well.
4. After taking the first thick coconut milk, you can add a little more hot water and drain the second press.

For this particular recipe, we suggest you use the first type of thick coconut milk.

How to Make Pina Colada:

Then, all you have to do is take the fresh chopped pineapple in a mixing jar and make a thick paste. Do not add water to it. Then add sugar or honey (as a sugar substitute) and stir again. Finally, add the coconut milk and mix everything until a frothy mixture is obtained. Now take a glass of juice, add some ice cubes and pour the drink. Garnish with a little chopped pineapple and serve immediately.

What are you waiting for? Try this recipe and make a pina Colada coffee at home. All you need to remember is the drink in a nice glass to add to the atmosphere.


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