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SEO Procedure

SEO Procedure – 7 Step SEO Process for Long-term Search Success

Before realizing the promise of the SEO Procedure, you need to go through the process. Find out how to bring traffic, leads, sales, and success to your business.

It’s no secret that venturing into SEO means being there for a long time. Optimization is a never-ending process. One day you are at the top of the search results and the next your competitor is releasing something new that will blow your mind.

The promise of SEO can bring traffic, revenue and growth to your business, but many marketers give up soon after they start. They love the promise more than the process.

Indeed, the process is the key to achieving your ultimate goal in SEO.

Understand the SEO Procedure:

SEO is like fitness.

  • When it comes to fitness, there are no short cuts to betting the system (i.e. your body) unless you are willing to take serious health risks.
  • You have to have a plan and follow it. This means exercising, eating right, and pushing yourself to continually improve naturally.
  • Likewise, in SEO there is no way to “play” the algorithm (eg Google) unless you expect to cut corners, which I don’t recommend.
  • So in a recent monthly phone call, I was quite surprised to learn that one of my large clients was impatient with the SEO process.
  • How can someone who is so successful – and someone who usually goes through a process of promising more clients and cases – not understand, love and respect the SEO process?

You cannot receive the promise without going through the process.

SEO (and most forms of digital marketing) is a process that, with patience and strategy, offers you the promise of new traffic, leads, customers, revenue and growth.

1. Audit:

  • The process
    Our process always begins with a technical and / or content audit.
Technical verification SEO Procedure:
  • A technical audit examines absolutely every element of the website that can affect SEO performance.
  • One of the most important of all these elements is speed.
  • I’ve seen so many websites post a great intro video on the home page that takes too long to load.

The result?

  • You have a high bounce rate and have lost a prospect or customer.
  • If they made a smaller version of the video or moved more relevant content above the fold, their speed and conversions would be much better.
  • A technical audit should be thorough and take weeks depending on what’s wrong with the website.

Content Control

If you have a large website with thousands of pages of content, it is definitely worth doing a content audit. A content check will help you determine which pages are doing well and which aren’t. Then you can decide what content you want to keep, optimize, rewrite, or completely remove from your site.

When you remove content from your site, you may see a drop in traffic, but that’s the point. You don’t want to scare off relevant traffic.

The promise

By going through the process of a technical audit, a content audit, or both, you will have a complete understanding of everything that needs to be solved to rank well in organic search.

  • SEO is a mystery. Put the parts together.
  • This is just the first step. But the first step can sometimes be the hardest.
  • Now is the time to build on this momentum.

2. Technical SEO:

The process
When it comes to technical SEO, there is a lot to consider, including:

  • index status.
  • scan budget.
  • scan error.
  • Internal links.
  • site maps.
  • Site / page speed.
  • redirect.
  • Broken links.
  • HTTPS.
  • AMP.

Improving your technical SEO requires a holistic approach, than Tackling just one item on this list doesn’t actually move the needle. You have to consider everything if you want your website to work.

I like to use the house analogy here:

A home needs a foundation, electrics, plumbing, walls and roof. If you don’t have all of these things, you don’t have a home. you have a shell

The same goes for technical SEO. You have to put all these elements together correctly to have an optimized website.

The promise
  • By increasing the speed, functionality and user experience (UX) of your website, you will likely see more conversions.
  • This is because users find it easier to navigate, read, and interact with your website.
  • After conducting a technical audit, you will receive a list of technical blocks that could affect the performance of your website.
  • Optimize them and you will make your website faster, searchable and in a better place to be indexed by search engines.
  • This is the promise of technical SEO!

3. Search by keywords:

The process

  • Keyword research is an essential part of the SEO process.
  • Without keyword research, you’re just making assumptions about how people search for your business, products, or services.
  • Keyword research tools show how many users search for a specific term, how difficult it is to rank for that term, and even what related terms people use to find information online.
  • This process begins by thinking about the hypothetical terms your target audience might use to find your business and then using SEO tools to validate or disprove your results.
  • Researching competitor websites is another great way to spot keyword opportunities.

Finally, keyword research will help you discover geo-specific keywords that will help you find your SEO strategy.

I recommend reading Roger Montti’s excellent guide How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: Everything You Need to Know.

The promise

  • Keyword research helps you understand which keywords are most valuable to you.
  • By optimizing your content around high-value keywords, you can reach your prospect or customer exactly when they need you most.
  • If people can’t find you when they’re looking for a service or product you offer, they can’t buy from you. So simple.

4. Site Demographics SEO Procedure:

The process

  • Whether you’re doing SEO for a local business or for a client offering a service in a specific region, you know the importance of position.
  • Just like with Buyer Personas, you need to understand how people search for local businesses and service providers and who they are.
  • This means you need to make sure you have accurate NAP information and content (name / address / phone) related to your service area, whether it’s a state, city or neighborhood.
  • Request and optimize your Google business profile listing.
The promise
  • The goal of your website is to attract your target audience. And when I say your “target audience”, I mean potential customers or customers.
  • Demographic research provides tons of useful insights into where your target audience is looking for goods, services, or information. You can then use this data to inform your targeted and localized SEO strategy.
  • Remember that Google rewards websites based on factors such as relevance, distance and importance.

5. Content Strategy:

The process

  • So, You need a content strategy. Here is a proven strategy.

Basic content

  • This is your main content targeted to your most important keywords and topics. Create content related to your services or products (your keywords “money”).
  • You can further improve this content by writing about other relevant services and products you offer and any relevant long tail keywords.
  • Frequently asked questions content

Create pages that answer the most common questions your audience might ask about Google.
Make sure it has an SEO-friendly URL, uses breadcrumbs, and is more comprehensive than any other site on the subject (be sure to check out competing sites in the top 10).

Relevant content

Allow your customers to create content to prove their experience and authenticity.

User Experience

Think about how you want your content (e.g. via visuals.

6. Writing and Editing Content:

The process

  • Your client might want to write their own content, or they might want you to do it.
  • In any case, the content must be optimized.
  • Always think of the audience or characters first, but without neglecting SEO best practices.
  • You want to write content that people will interact with and share (and that Google will index and reward with great rankings).
  • Ultimately, it is about urging people to convert.
  • Therefore, If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Ron Lieback’s 47 Tips for Mastering SEO Writing.

The promise
Content is essential when it comes to communicating your brand message to your target audience.

It also plays an important role in search engine optimization; With good optimization, your content can drive more organic traffic to your website.

The content also helps demonstrate authority, relevance, and trust. Well-written, optimized, accurate, and authoritative content is the best way to do this.

Your content shouldn’t just be a means by which you insert keywords into your website. Instead, it should talk about the value your business provides, how users can interact with your business, and generally provide a positive experience for your prospects.

7. SEO Procedure Ranking:

The process

  • OK, you can’t check the rankings from Google or any search engine.
  • However, you can absolutely understand how search algorithms work, which is helpful. But there are never any guarantees.
  • That means there is a process that can work.
  • Be excellent in all of the previous points we’ve discussed so far and you should see SEO gains.
  • Know your listeners.
  • Thus, Create great content for your audience.
  • Offer your audience a great website experience.
  • It’s easy? no
  • But it works!

The promise
If you do everything you can to optimize your website, build your brand, and provide a quality product or service, then it’s inevitable that you’ll be rewarded with the organic search visibility you deserve.


  • “Success is a journey, not a destination.”
  • So, This quote is as true for SEO as it is for life.
  • If you always look at the end result, you miss out on the adventure, learning and experiencing of the process.
  • Every successful SEO strategy starts with a plan. So it’s a long-term commitment.
  • SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

The only way to get where you want to be is to develop and follow a process. This SEO Procedure can evolve over time, but a proper plan is far better than “spread out” when it comes to your SEO strategy.

This allows you to celebrate achievements at each milestone, improve your approach over time, and most importantly, enjoy the SEO Procedure for the life of your business.

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