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Bitcoin Transactions

Bitcoin Transactions – Cryptocurrency Boost Square’s Quarterly Profit by Almost 60 Percent

Bitcoin Transactions, SquareCoin App generated $ 1.82 million in Bitcoin revenue, an increase of 11% over the previous year. Square Thursday reported a nearly 60% increase in third-quarter gross profits and an increase in bitcoin transactions in its peer-to-peer cash payment services app.

Currently, the acquired payment company is estimated at $ 29 billion approximately Rs. Thus, The app generated 1.82 billion euros (approx. Rs 13,509 crore) in Bitcoin revenues, an increase of 11% over the previous year.

San Francisco-based Square Bitcoin:

But San Francisco-based Square Cryptocurrency said bitcoin’s earnings and gross profits for the previous quarter fell as the relative stability of the value of the cryptocurrency business slowed. Bitcoin is held in India on November 5 at 18:02 IST. 49.22 lakhs

  • Thus, Jack Dorsey, the most recent president of a company run by homeowners last year. Took advantage of a demanding jungle epidemic.
  • Total payments rose 27% to 3.7 billion (estimated Rs 27,464 crore) as measured by the cash transaction app.
  • Thus, Gross net profit increased 27% to Rs 3.84 billion (Rs 28,503 crore).
  • Dorsey is a vocal advocate for bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The latest Bitcoin Square Rally has doubled its investment from $ 220 million (about $ 1,650 crore).
  • Thus, Too $ 470 million (about $ 3,526 crore) and is the world’s oldest cryptocurrency worth about 62,000,000 (about 46). It was traded on TL.
  • According to a Bitcoin magazine report, Square has approximately 8,027 Bitcoins.
  • With a total purchase price of $ 220 million. And an average of $ 27,407 (Rs 20.56 million) per Bitcoin, including fees and charges.

Thus, In October 2020, Square announced that it had received 4,709 Bitcoins for a total purchase price of $ 50 million (approximately Rs 375). Thus, In its full report for 2020, the company says it will buy 3,318 coins for $ 170 million (about Rs 1,275). According to the report, Bitcoin loans from other companies – MicroStrategy and Tesla. Thus, Has more than doubled recently, making Square Average the lowest average price.

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