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Google Resident JavaScript Expert

Google Resident JavaScript Expert – Google No Need to Worry About Using JavaScript

Google says that in terms of SEO you do not need to worry about using google resident JavaScript expert when creating websites. Google says you do not need to worry about JavaScript. When it comes to search, as there is nothing fundamentally different from static content.

This is discussed in the latest episode of the search of the recorded podcast. The Google’s Martin Split, John Mueller, Gary Illyes, and Daniel Waisberg. Mueller raises the issue of creating a website using a static site generator. This leads to the realization that he and split both use the same tool called Hugo.

Google Resident JavaScript Expert:

For simplicity, Hugo uses the markdown language to create pages, but this comes to limiting the inability to use HTML for things like no-follow tags and redirects.

  • No, you do not have to worry about that one question I often get even with JavaScript is whether we treat JavaScript content differently. We have content, comments what we think is the focus of an article, or what we think is content on the side and such.
  • But as far as I know, and as far as I can see, we scan a page and then insert the contents of the document into our index, then render the page and then complete the content from the dam.
  • That’s all. There is essentially no difference between JavaScript-generated content and static content unless there are limitations and we cannot see JavaScript-generated content.
  • Mueller creates a personal website that requires redirects and the only way to apply them to Hugo is with JavaScript. He then asks split, google’s JavaScript specialist, if there is reason to worry about using JavaScript.

Google No Need to Worry About Using JavaScript:

Split mentions the Best cases without going into details of what they are. Although Google has discussed in the past how websites can have SEO issues when using javascript. The main thing to avoid is using javascript in a way that forces users to interact with a page element to view the content. A prime example of this would be hiding the content behind a button that users must click to view the content.

This is an SEO problem because Googlebot doesn’t interact with anything when it comes to crawling web pages. If the content is hidden behind a JavaScript element. If users have to click or click, google simply will not see it. Therefore, the content can not be used to understand the page and rank it in the search.

Web site owners who intend to use JavaScript in this way. As a design option should make sure that hidden content is not vital to understanding the page. If you’re not sure if JavaScript is preventing Google from displaying content on your pages. There’s an easy way to find out.

Use the view as a google tool in the search console to get an idea. What Googlebot can see when it crawls your site. If the view as a google tool can deliver all the critical content, you can. Split says You do not need to worry.


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