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Ice Cream Diet

Ice Cream Diet – Ice Cream Can Help You Lose Weight

The Ice Cream Diet is one of the most popular and consumable sweets in the world. Whether it is a delicious main course or a lunch, snack, ice creams serve best for everyone. They have this unique satisfying and amazing feature that is unmatched by anyone. Also, the good thing is that they come in different flavours and shapes. You can have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mango, pistachio ice cream, and almost any flavour you can think of.

Calories in an Ice Cream

If we indicated the exact number of calories in a serving of ice cream, then we would have to choose a specific brand. This is because each brand offers a different set of flavours with different recipes and thicknesses. Therefore, the number of calories varies greatly. However, one thing is certain. It also comes with a stick, in cups, on trays, and so on. And if you feel a little overwhelmed, you can also try ice creams, cakes, sandwiches, etc. But one thing that holds some of us back is the fact that ice cream has a bad nutritional reputation. In this post, then, we will take a look at some facts to determine how healthy ice cream is and whether or not it helps you lose weight.

  • About one cup of regular ice cream (60-90 grams) provides 140 calories, which, compared to other nutrients in the same cup, are very high. For example, from an equivalent cup, you’ll get 7 grams of fat and 30 milligrams of cholesterol.
  • Plus, you’ll only get 2 grams of protein, 17 grams of total carbs, and 14 grams of sugar.
  • While in the same quantity, a high-quality creamy and thick ice cream will offer you 210 grams of calories and low amounts of other nutrients depending.
  • About 70 mg of cholesterol, 3 grams of protein, 13 grams of fat, 20 grams of total carbohydrates, and 19 grams of sugar.
  • As you can see, both varieties offer very high calories. Therefore, logically, high consumption of ice cream is not recommended. It will only lead to weight gain.
  • Furthermore, if it contains additives, it can also lead to bloating, gas, inflammation, hyperactivity, changes in behavior (especially in children), etc.

Ice Cream Diet

Well, the Ice Cream Diet promises weight loss and a healthier body as it includes ice cream in your daily diet. The original idea of this diet came from a book written by a nutritionist named holly McCord in 2002. But if so, how and why would ice cream have such a bad calorie reputation? This is because, in fact, ice cream still has a lot of calories as mentioned in the previous sections of this article.

However, what still makes this diet effective is the overall reduction in daily calorie intake. In the larger picture, Gelato asks you to scale back the calories you consume every day (preferably at 1250). With it, you can add your favourite food like ice cream worth 250 calories. Therefore, the total calories you consume are not more than 1500. Therefore, they help you lose weight and make it fun. One thing to watch out for when following this diet is the nutritional composition of ice cream. Make sure it has only 250 calories and avoid rich, creamy ice cream.

Ice Cream Diet

As the name suggests, low-calorie ice creams cut calories by using low-fat dairy products, artificial sweeteners, and milk Replacers. These ice creams can be a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while maintaining a healthy body. Today, many high-quality brands also produce low-calorie ice cream in Pakistan. However, although the purpose of the product is to reduce calories, some brands use heavy processing methods that make the low-calorie ice cream much higher in calories than a regular one. Ironic, but it’s just the truth. So what should be done? Maybe you should try making low-calorie ice cream at home! Here are some ways to do it:

Strawberry Ice Cream

In a medium bowl, mix 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons sugar-free almond milk, 2 tablespoons sweetener you want (honey or any sugar substitute), and freeze until solidified. Then add it to a food processor and 10 strawberries and mix until smooth. Produces two servings.

Mango Flavour

In a food processor, combine 2 cups of mango, half a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and 2 teaspoons of honey. Stir until smooth. It will produce four servings.



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