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Instagram or Snapchat 2022

Instagram or Snapchat 2022 – What’s Best for Your Business?

As Instagram or Snapchat 2022 come more likewise, numerous social media directors are asking themselves these questions.

To help you understand which platform, Instagram or Snapchat, is stylish for your business, we’ve decided to dissect the differences between the two platforms. We compared crucial aspects of the two platforms stoner.

Types Of Content

  • Detectability
  • Engagement rates
  • Analytically
  • Announcement
  • Ads

What we’ve plant (and you may formerly know) is that it’s largely dependent on your business. Snapchat is great for some businesses and Instagram for others. and for some, the stylish result is both.

But What Suits Your Business Stylish?

Read on to find out.
6 questions to suppose about

Then’s a list of criteria to consider when comparing Instagram to Snapchat

  • Are your target followership and guests on the platform?
  • What type of content (e.g. story, image, or videotape) stylish suits your business?
  • Do you prefer a public profile that’s easy to find and interact with your followers in public? Or do you prefer a private profile and make close one-to-one connections with your followers?
  • Is your followership more engaged on Instagram or Snapchat?
  • Do you want analytics to measure your performance?
  • Do you want to ameliorate being posts or publish advertisements on the platform?
  • At Buffer, we prefer Instagram to Snapchat (but it’s not inescapably the stylish for you).

Then is how, according to Brian Peters, our Digital Marketing Strategist, we came to this decision. At Buffer, we’ve a long history of posting unique content on both Snapchat and Instagram.

What we’ve plant over time is that the quality of exchanges we had with our target followership (marketers and social media directors) was much advanced on Instagram than on Snapchat.

As we’re a small platoon with limited coffers, we’ve decided to post simply on Instagram so we can continue to concentrate on erecting meaningful connections and creating quality content. After the decision, we increased our Instagram account by over followers and increased engagement by nearly 300.
In addition, it’s of great value to have detailed perceptivity into the performance of our content in Feed, and Live.
Not to mention that the platform is approaching one billion yearly active druggies!
Still, we have collected our analysis below, If you want to know further about our Instagram vs Snapchat comparison.

1. Stoner:

  • Instagram’s stoner base is larger and a bit aged.
  • First, let’s take a look at the size of the stoner base of the two platforms.
  • In terms of active druggies, further than 400 million people use Instagram every day (and further than 700 million use it monthly). For comparison, 173 million people use Snapchat every day.
  • In terms of Stories, over 250 million people use Instagram Stories every day. This far exceeds the 173 million people who use Snapchat every day.
  • This map from Recode shows the rise in Instagram Stories and the slow growth of Snapchat
    In terms of stoner growth rate, Instagram has grown steadily while Snapchat’s growth appears to have braked. Then is what the growth in druggies of the two platforms looks like ( using data from Statista).

The graph for Instagram shows yearly active druggies, while the graph for Snapchat shows diurnal active druggies. While these are different criteria, I believe the number of yearly active druggies and the number of diurnal active druggies are related.

Demography Instagram or Snapchat:

Demography Instagram or Snapchat

The Pew Research Center conducted a study of US stoner demographics on the most popular social media platforms.

  • Then are some highlights from their study for Instagram
  • In the United States, further women (38) than men (26) use Instagram.
  • Instagram is most popular with online Americans between the periods of 18 and 29.
  • A third of online Americans between the periods of 30 and 49 use Instagram.
  • It appears that Instagram is more popular with women than men and with online Americans under 49 than over.
  • On the other hand, Snapchat has a important youngish stoner base.
  • Nearly 60 of druggies are under the age of 25.
  • People between the periods of 18 and 24 make up the bulk of Snapchat’s stoner base (36).
  • Only 15 of druggies are over the age of 35.

Note: For Instagram, the percentages show the percentage of people in each category using Instagram. For example, 59% of online Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram. For Snapchat, the percentages show the percentage of Snapchat users in each category. 22% of Snapchat users are between the ages of 13 and 17.


Here are some other interesting insights into the Instagram and Snapchat user base.


According to a Facebook poll, the most popular topics among young adults on Instagram are fashion/beauty, food, TV/movies, hobbies and music.
According to a Facebook study, Instagram users love following celebrities, getting DIY inspiration and looking at travel photos.


According to a survey by Defy Media for Variety, the majority of Snapchat users (71%) use Snapchat solely or primarily for peer-to-peer messaging.
According to a study commissioned by Snap and reported by Mashable, nearly 60 percent of interactions on Snapchat are between close friends. App Annie, 46 percent of Snapchat users in the US don’t use Instagram. In the UK the percentage is 37.

When deciding between Instagram and Snapchat, I personally find the user base to be the most important. If your target audience isn’t on one of the platforms, it might not be worth investing in that platform.

Consideration: Is your target audience on the platform?

If your audience is on both platforms (yes!), here are a few more things to consider:

2. Types of Content Instagram or Snapchat:

Types of Content Instagram or Snapchat

Instagram posts are high definition and sophisticated; The recordings are often rough and unaltered.
Next, let’s take a look at the types of content you can create on the two platforms.


Stories are available on both Instagram and Snapchat.

It can be videos or pictures. Because the stories are displayed in full screen mode, the ideal orientation and size for the stories is horizontal (i.e. vertical) or a 9:16 aspect ratio.

Pictures And Videos

Besides stories, images and videos are the other main types of content on Instagram and Snapchat. But they are displayed differently on the two platforms.

  • Images and videos are published as Instagram posts and Snapchat snaps.
  • Instagram posts are public (unless your account is private). Snaps are mostly private between two accounts.
  • Instagram posts can be horizontal, square, or vertical. Snaps are usually vertical (since they are viewed full screen).
  • Instagram posts stay on feed and profile, while snaps disappear after 24 hours.

Content Quality

In general, people like to post high-resolution (usually) edited content on Instagram and raw, unfiltered content on Snapchat.

However, with the introduction of Instagram, people are also posting more raw content on Instagram via Stories.

Consideration: What type of content (e.g., story, image, or video) best suits your business?

3. Traceability:

Your brand will be more discoverable on Instagram.
In terms of detectability, there are three areas to consider:


On Instagram you can have a public profile that shows the number of your followers and all your posts on Instagram. Instagram suggests profiles to follow and curates relevant posts in Discover, which helps people find your Instagram profile.

On Snapchat, your profile can only be viewed by your friends and people you’ve added. There is little information about your Snapchat profile as the Snaps and Stories you post on Snapchat disappear after 24 hours.


On Instagram, likes and comments on your posts are visible to everyone, while direct messages are only visible to you.

On Snapchat, only you can see who replied to your Snaps or Stories.

User Generated Content

On Instagram, people (including yourself) can find posts mentioning you. Hashtags and @mention tags allow people to discover and review your Instagram profile.

Therefore, user generated content is a common Instagram marketing strategy as it can help you grow your Instagram account and increase your brand reach.

On Snapchat, a Snap or Story mentioning your brand can only be seen by friends of the person who posted it.
Your brand will be more discoverable on Instagram than Snapchat. This is great if you want to increase your brand awareness on social media and use social proof to build your brand.

However, many brands like Snapchat’s privacy because it allows them to build meaningful interpersonal relationships with their followers.

Consideration: Do you prefer to have a public profile that is easy to find and interact with your followers in public? Or do you prefer a private profile and build close one-to-one relationships with your followers?

4. Level of Involvement Instagram or Snapchat 2022:

Engagement appears to be higher on Instagram than Snapchat.
Comparing the level of engagement on the two platforms can be difficult as the forms of engagement are different on the two platforms. On Instagram, people like, comment, and watch a video. On Snapchat, people view a Snap and reply privately.

While I can’t compare the engagement levels as a whole between the two platforms, I thought it was worth looking at the engagement level of the Story as they are available on both platforms and are very similar.

As reported by TechCrunch, businesses see better engagement on Instagram Story than Snapchat.

An analysis of Delmondo’s 21,500 Snapchat Story found that the average unique viewers for Snapchat Story dropped by about 40% in 2016 following the launch of Instagram Story.
On the other hand, The Amplify’s influencer community saw a 28% higher Instagram view rate than Snapchat Story.
For us at Buffer, before we stopped posting on Snapchat, we saw higher quality conversations with our audience (marketers and social media managers) on Instagram than Snapchat.

Consideration: Are your audience more engaged on Instagram or Snapchat? (You have to try both platforms to get a good feel.)

5. Analysis Instagram or Snapchat 2022:

You can recover Instagram data more easily than Snapchat data.
Being able to measure and analyze your social media performance can help you improve your social media marketing.

Instagram natively offers business profiles with Instagram or Snapchat 2022 Insights, an in-app analysis for posts, stories, ads and followers.
Snapchat doesn’t provide analytics (except for ads), and most marketers have manually tracked their Snapchat marketing.

In terms of third-party tools, there are many free Instagram analytics tools, such as Websta, Union Metrics Free Instagram Account Checker, and Keyhole.

There seem to be far fewer Snapchat analytics tools out there, and they’re not free. For example, Snaplytics, a popular Snapchat analytics tool, costs $ 19 per Snapchat account per month for very simple metrics – views, screenshots, and completion rate.

Considerations: Do you want analytics to measure your performance? Or do you agree with manual monitoring of your performance?

6. Announcements Instagram or Snapchat 2022:

  • Both offer powerful targeting and multiple ad formats.
  • Since Instagram launched ads on its platform in late 2015, the number of companies advertising on the platform has grown to over one million.
  • Since Instagram is part of Facebook, these companies could easily create Instagram ads using the robust Facebook Ads Manager.

Advertising on Snapchat was pretty inaccessible to most businesses. Aside from Snapchat geofilters, businesses that wanted to advertise on Snapchat had to buy ads from Snapchat’s advertising partners (and they often cost a lot). Fortunately, Snapchat launched its self-service Snapchat Ad Manager this year, making it easier for businesses to post ads on Snapchat themselves.
Let’s take a look at three key aspects of advertising on these two platforms, namely, audience targeting, ad formats, and costs.

Alignment Instagram or Snapchat 2022

The two ad managers are quite similar in terms of powerful targeting capabilities.

One of the ad managers allows you to create an audience for your ads based on factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Furthermore, you can also reach people with your data (e.g. people who interacted with your company) and platform data (e.g. users who look like your customers).

Ad formats

Both Instagram and Snapchat offer a variety of ad formats. Here is an overview of the ad formats each of them offer:

Instagram ad formats

  • Ad feed
  • Ads
  • Boost existing posts

Snapchat ad formats

  • Get ads
  • Geofilters
  • Contact lenses

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