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Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches – Are There Any Nutritional Sensitivities Behind Your Migraines

Migraine headaches are a widespread neurological disorder that affects up to 39 million men, women, and children in the United States. Typically, a throbbing or throbbing pain is felt on one side of the head, which lasts for hours to days. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound are the most common symptoms that can affect daily activities.

Emotional stress, genetics, sex, hormonal changes, and smoking are the highest risk factors for migraines. If you experience frequent throbbing Headaches but are not sure why check the food you eat. In some cases, food allergies can lead to severe headaches and migraines in people. Several studies show that only different foods seem to cause headaches. Here we discuss which foods cause migraines and how you can fight them:

Migraine Headaches and An Overview of Food Sensitivity:

Our immune system is generally very effective and preventative in fighting toxins, germs, and bacteria. However, in people with food intolerances, your immune system considers certain foods or elements in foods to be dangerous to your body’s health.

It, therefore, reacts to the supposed threat by releasing a stream of igg antibodies into the bloodstream. Eventually, this can cause quite unpleasant and serious symptoms such as migraines and cramps. Keep in mind that food sensitivity differs from food allergies as the latter contains IgE antibodies.

The Relationship Between Food Sensitivity and Migraine:

Numerous studies reveal that IgG reactivity due to various foods and ingredients is directly related to migraines. Extensive research shows that people who regularly suffer from migraines may be positive for IgG reactivity to various daily foods.

Unfortunately, detecting food allergies can be a challenge and almost impossible. Even a food allergy test and a trial and error diet can take several months before individuals and doctors can identify the foods that trigger it. However, abortion diets are a proven and effective way to fight migraines.

The Best Foods That Cause Migraines:

Let’s discuss the most common foods that can cause migraines:

Alcohol is one of the most common food stimuli. Champagne, beer, red wine, scotch, and whiskey are some of the best drinks that trigger an attack. Here are the main theories that cause headaches and migraines in humans:

  • The sulfites in wine help keep it cool, but they can also cause migraines.
  • Alcohol causes more blood to reach the head, causing severe pain
  • Alcohol consumption can cause dehydration, which in turn triggers migraines

The easiest and fastest way to avoid a migraine caused by alcohol is to not drink it at all.


Excess caffeine or caffeine deprivation can cause migraines or headaches. If you drink two or more cups of coffee, you may suffer from severe headaches. Here are some products that contain caffeine:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Tea

However, caffeine is a double-edged sword. In small doses, caffeine can help stop impending migraine attacks.

Sweeteners and Food Additives:

Most processed foods contain artificial sweeteners that are added to beverages and foods to increase sweetness. Unfortunately, these sweeteners like aspartame and yellow dyes can cause migraine attacks. Some processed foods also contain food additives to enhance the taste and color of certain items and can cause headaches. Monosodium glutamate, nitrates, and nitrites are popular in bacon, hot dogs, lunches, and so on and can cause:

  • Burning in the chest, neck, and shoulders
  • Dizziness
  • It gradually gets worse when you are active
  • Redness on the face
  • Headache
  • Unbearable pain
  • Stomach Ache

Aged Cheese and Food Additives:

Aged cheeses like Parmesan, Swiss, Brie, and cheddar can hurt your head. As aged cheese is rich in Tyramine, it can cause migraines. If you are sensitive to Tyramine, it is advisable to avoid salami, peppers, lunch, pickles, olives, nuts, and some beans. In addition, try to avoid the following foods that cause migraines:

  • Chocolate
  • Cultivated dairy products such as buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream
  • Figs, avocados, and raisins
  • Donuts, sourdough bread, and other sweets

Migraine Headaches and What Foods Are Good for Migraines?

Migraines Food

Foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and then fatty acids to help prevent migraines. Here are some foods you should add to your diet to fight migraines:

  • Foods Rich in Magnesium: research shows that magnesium can help relieve migraine symptoms. Look for foods rich in magnesium such as avocado, tuna, and dark green leafy vegetables
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: a study shows that introducing omega-3 fatty acids can help you fight migraines. Consider including fish such as mackerel and salmon, seeds, and legumes.
  • Ketogenic Foods: although keto diets aren’t suitable for everyone, research reveals that keto can help fight migraines. Try to eat low-carb, high-fat foods, such as non-starchy vegetables, seafood, and eggs. Consult a doctor or Dietician before choosing a keto diet. An in-depth study also suggests that dietary changes such as sodium restriction or attempting a low-GI diet may help reduce migraines.

How Does a Miscarriage Diet Help You Fight Migraines?

Using an elimination diet helps you identify foods that potentially cause migraines. A miscarriage diet involves you and your doctor making a list of foods that you think are causing your migraine headaches. The goal is to avoid eating these foods for 2-4 weeks and then add the products one by one. That way, if you have a migraine again, you can find out which food is causing it.

Several studies, including one from the NCBI, reveal that abortive diets can help fight migraines without resorting to pills or over-the-counter medications. Another in-depth study involving 21 patients shows that an abortive diet can successfully reduce the number of migraine attacks.


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