New Game God of War

New Game God of War – Ragnarok Release Delayed to 2022, Game Confirmed for PS4 and PS5

Release New Game God of War the sequel to Ragnarok’s popular adventure game Good of War 2022 has been delayed. Game developer Santa Monica Studios has confirmed the delay. Herman Hollist, head of PlayStation Studios, said there were reasons to end the current partnership and reveal that the game had fallen on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. In a subsequent tweet, Santa Monica confirmed that the release has reached the next level.

New Game God of War

In the official PlayStation Podcast, Hollist talks about the challenges facing the studio. They also shared details of the clipping and solution used for the game. Perhaps the biggest challenge for us is when we need special places, often physical places. Performance capture, basically stable work. We’ve come up with some smart solutions. Building small recording studios at home. A choice. You can arrange it later. Some things may bother you or endanger you to the last standard. Holst assured the audience of the New Game God of War that would not be disappointed as with his sequel of high quality despite the delay. He stressed the importance of bringing high-quality games without breaking the studio equipment.


Hollist said there are currently two games in its development, according to the legend: Forbidden Horizon West and Next God’s War.

Horizon Haram Maghrib released in the last part of 2021, followed by God of War in 2022: Ragnarok and Grand III. In addition to these three titles, PlayStation Studios currently has 25 more games.

Finally, Hollist has revealed that God’s long-awaited battle

Ragnarok will hit the PS4 and PS5, while Horizon’s Forbidden West and Grand Torso 7 will also hit the PS4 platform. New game With the arrival of Horizon Maghreb, titles have been steadily improving. So we can expect a lot of things on the PlayStation over the coming months. However, although the release date of the new god of war has not been specified, the title is: God of War: Ragnarok.


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