WA Beta info reports that WhatsApp Working On updating UPI, an instant messaging application. It is working to update. WhatsApp UPI payment feature facilitates customer transactions in India. According to the WABetainfo update, the UPI WhatsApp payment feature is already in use in India, but this feature is not available to everyone.
WhatsApp Working On updating UPI
- However, there is no alternative for Indians who can activate it by submitting a claim for payment.
- They Said “Payment requests are a way to activate the communication function it’s completely free.
- This process will make UPI payments immediately to the recipient of the request.
- WhatsApp is working on a new account that will introduce UPI payments.
He added. “We don’t know if is WhatsApp Working On updating UPI a new account that will introduce this new development. But this feature is not available to everyone. Because there will be a new announcement. Then that will allow anyone in India.
To send UPI as payment without a payment request. But it is possible.”Payments on WhatsApp UPI are now available for users. With the latest version of Android apps on iPhone.
WhatsApp Updating is working on a new account that will introduce UPI payments:
Meghna Sen
- To send money via WhatsApp to India, thus, you must have a debit card in a bank account in the country.
- The Facebook message will send instructions to the bank about transferring funds between the sender’s recipient’s bank accounts through the UPI.
- Starting today, Facebook’s WhatsApp will launch “UPI Payment Services” in the world’s largest open technology marketplace.
The National Pacification Corporation of India (NPCI). They said in a statement that then the messaging app. Which has been testing its payment services in India for more than a year. Now has an integrated payment interface available from various banks.