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SEO-Optimized – How to Write a SEO-Friendly Blog Post

SEO-optimized blog post is to get high rankings in search engines like Google for the specific keywords that your audience is looking for.

When you appear at the top of the search results, most users click on your posts, as compared to low-ranking competitor posts. It can generate more traffic, leads, and revenue.

SEO-Optimized and How to Write a Seo-Friendly Blog Post?

Do you repeat your target keywords multiple times? Is this more than the number of words you have written?

This article will give you an idea of ​​what is important.

Let’s get started.

1. Consider the Purpose of the Search (SEO-optimized):

Search is the goal of the user when searching for a particular keyword.

Before writing a blog post it is important to think about the purpose of the user to make sure that what you are writing is what people really want to read.

Take for example the keyword “CBD for pain”.

How to determine the search term for this keyword?

The easiest way is with Google. The best results should give you an idea of ​​what consumers are looking for.

CBD for pain SEO-optimized blog post
As you can see, the best results are related to the general scientific consensus on the use of CBD for pain and its effects.

So the idea is to write a blog post that has a single search goal (ie above the current post at the top of the rankings).

But remember, Google is not perfect. If you think this is more suitable for user purposes, don’t be afraid to try different angles on the subject.

The purpose of research is to understand your audience. Put yourself in their shoes and write things on the blog that you would love to read if you were them.

2. Use the Headings:

The title is important because it helps users and search engines navigate and understand your blog posts.

When writing a blog post for SEO-optimized, it is not appropriate to have very long paragraphs that look like educational articles.

Instead, try to divide your content into clear-headed sections.

Not only does this make the content more accessible and readable for users, but it also helps you target specific keywords with each heading and displays fragments more easily.

A good way to determine which topics to include in your blog posts is to just Google your keywords. Then look at the post on the position and identify the header usage pattern.

Another way to find a header is to insert the URL of the blog post into an SEO tool such as Ahrefs Site Explorer and search for advanced keywords for that particular blog post.

Then consider which keywords can validate your headline, for example. B. Keyword-based keywords that relate well to the keywords of the blog post.

Once you’ve decided on the titles to use, organize them in a logical and SEO-optimized way.

Also remember to mark the title correctly with H2, H3, etc. Your title should be H1 (and only H1 on the page).

3. Enter an Internal Link:

Linking to other blog posts on your site, also called internal links, is a great way for users to navigate your blog and help search engines understand the structure of your blog.

For example, if you write a blog post about tips for relieving your dog’s anxiety, you can definitely link to another blog post about the best supplements for your dog’s anxiety.

Internal links also provide a way to rank for the content of your blog.

The more internal links pointing to your blog articles, the more important the blog will be to search engines and users of your site. Take advantage of this and show more internal links to your most important content.

Another thing to consider is “source text”, the word you link to. We recommend that you make sure that the words you link to are related to the page you are linking to.

For example: hire a blogger. You see, I’ve linked to the word “Hire Blog Writer”, which is a similar variation of the Focus on Page keyword that we associate with Goals, which is “Hire Blog Writer”.

Choosing the right anchor text helps users and search engines understand the page.

4. Write Standard Content:

Needless to say, you can do whatever SEO you want for your post, for example. B. Choose the right keywords, put them in the title, add internal links, and much more.

However, if your content is of poor quality, you will not get the desired results (if any).

Writing SEO-friendly blog posts means writing friendly content.

Your goal is not to think about keywords, but to provide the best information to those who search for those keywords. As a second priority, make sure your content is accessible and understandable through search engines.

Whether you’re writing your own blog posts or hiring a blogger to help you. Remember, it’s important to make sure the content you create is accurate, compelling, and better than the high-profile posts you’re competing for.

Ideally, you should have a publisher to make sure that the quality of your posts is consistent.

If you work in the “YMYL” industry (issues that affect people’s finances or health), such as writing about personal health or investment, you need to write (or verify) your content, and The services of subject matter experts should be sought to publish their names. And credit with your blog post.

Your biggest investment in writing SEO-friendly content is in the author who writes the content.

5. Write Your Title:

The title of your blog post is very important for SEO-optimized.

This is important first because it increases the likelihood that users will click on your blog post first, and the title will also help search engines understand the keywords associated with your post.

There are two types of titles.

  • The H1 tag itself is the title of the page.
  • A meta title is a title that appears on a search engine results page.

Write Your Title

It can be the same or different, it’s up to you.

But the most important thing for SEO-optimized is meta title because that is what search engines should show in SERP.

For meta titles, it is recommended to keep them between 50 and 60 characters.

For example, as long as your title. Search engines are more likely to remove 65-70 characters because the pixel length is too long. Remember to mention your brand at the end of the title.

Using the SERP emulator is helpful.

Ideally, you should also include your keywords in the title (almost initially, if it flows naturally).

Let’s say the keyword is “how to write a blog post”.

A good title is “How to write a blog post (in 5 easy steps)” and a bad title is something full of keywords like “How to write a blog post (write a blog)”.

Great headlines perfectly balance the use of keywords and natural writing for human interaction.

6. SEO-Optimized and Improve Your Meta Description:

A meta description is a small piece of text that appears at the bottom of a page title in search engine results.

Meta Description
Meta descriptions are important because they force readers to click on your blog posts.

A well-written meta-description considers several important factors.

  • The intent behind the keywords
  • Challenges facing the people.
  • The solution that people want.

And they can be implemented.

Get the meta description of this post. Want to learn how to write SEO-optimized blog posts to get high rankings for your keywords? Read on for the latest best practices.

The description begins with repeating the user’s request, then provides a “read for more information” line of execution that leads to the solution. It’s simple and effective.

Meta descriptions clearly follow the meta title, annoy the reader and convince them that the blog post is exactly what they are looking for.

Ideally, the meta description should include your keyword or similar type, because it gets bold when people search for something. But you don’t have to add your meta description if it doesn’t look natural.

Make sure your meta description is between 80 and 160 characters. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there.

7. Write the Right Amount of Content:

To the question “How long is a blog post?” There is no specific answer.

In fact, there are several studies showing the relationship between word count and search engine ranking.

Write the Right Amount of Content
But this connection shows no reason. It is true that long posts are more on average, but that does not mean that you have to write more.

Instead, write down what is usually necessary to cover each topic. If the article requires only 1,000 words to cover the subject well, write 1,000 words.

If you need 2,000 words, type 2,000 words. But don’t focus on writing more, write more.

However, there is at least one accepted minimum for writing.

You should write more than 300 words and, in most cases, more than 500 words.

This is a limitation that allows search engines to compete effectively with other top-notch publications.

As a general rule of thumb, writing 1,000 to 2,000 words per blog post is a good target for targeting, as it covers most topics.

In some cases, 800 words are sufficient and for some titles, 2,500 or 3,000 words may be required.

Final decision
Learning how to write SEO-optimized blog posts is much easier than you think.

In short, success depends on three main factors.

Choose the right keywords for your blog post.
Metadata optimization (title and description).
Write the best possible content for users.
We hope this guide gives you some insights into the most important things.

If you want to know more about the factors that affect the performance of your blog posts in search engines, then the SEO checklist on our page can be helpful.

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