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The CBSE exams will begin in November

The CBSE Exams Will Begin in November Lasting 90 Minutes Full Objective Control

The CBSE Exams Will Begin: Despite the liberal grading system and the relentless closing of university admissions. The central council of secondary education (CBSE) officially announced on Thursday. That the first trimester of grades 10 and 12 for the 2021-22 school year will be fully objective and take place in November and December. Unlike this academic year, jury exams will be held twice, and the 1st condition for jury evaluation will be purely Objective type (multiple choice type). Occurring in just 90 minutes for each event, CBSE reported on Thursday. The q1 exam will be an objective exam and the duration of this exam will be 90 minutes. The Q2 exam will be held in March-April 2022. It will be a subjective-objective exam depending on the covid-in situation. 19 in the country, CBSE said in a circular.

The CBSE Exams Will Begin

Due to the winter season, all exams will start at 11:30 AM. Instead of 10:30 AM. And each student will be given 20 minutes of reading before the exam begins. The scores will be announced after the exams, but the final results will be announced after the second quarter exams.

The central council said that in a group of schools, more than one small course will be taught daily. But each of the main courses will be taught once a day. All exams will be held offline and details of the exam date will be announced on Monday. The school committee said that the first exams of the middle courses will take place and the main courses will follow.

  • CBSE offers 114 courses for 12th graders and 75 for 10th graders and can take at least 45 days to complete.
  • Therefore, in order to avoid learning loss for students, the CBSE has decided that the course offered by the CBSE will be divided into two parts, namely the main and secondary subjects.
  • As the main courses are offered by all connected schools. The exams of these subjects will be organized by fixing the data sheet as before.
  • As for the secondary courses, the CBSE will create a group of schools offering these courses, so the CBSE will produce more than one article per day in these schools.

How the CBSE Liberal Grading System

There has been criticism of how the CBSE liberal grading system has led to the relentless completion of university admissions. And how many universities of Delhi university have declared a 100% threshold for student admission to certain fields. And switching to objective-type review modes will only increase this problem. Earlier this month, du announced the first undergraduate admissions exclusion list with top colleges like Shri ram college of commerce and Hindu college setting 100% limits for various courses.

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