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Analysis Of The Health

Analysis Of The Health Care System – Overviews Of Healthcare

The analysis of the health care system is underway and since last year. Pakistan has been trying to has greatly improved its health system and implemented many reforms. A systematic search of national and international literature was carry out the peer-reviewed databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and PubMed.

Results: There is little strength in the analysis Health care system in Pakistan such as health policy, participation in the Millennium Development Goals program, initiation of vertical programs and introduction of public private Partnership, improvement of human resource development and infrastructure through the creation of the basic health Unit and rural health centers.

However, all of these programs are very limited in scope and that is why Pakistan’s health system is still not very efficient.

  • There are numerous Weaknesses such as poor governance.
  • Lack of access and unequal resources, poor quality of health.
  • Information management system, corruption in the health system, lack of monitoring in health policy Health planning, and lack of trained staff.

Conclusion: Pakistan is improving very slowly in the health sector over the past five decades, as evidenced by its health indicators and above-mentioned strengths and weaknesses. Hence, the government must take strong initiatives.

Changes In National Health Policy:

  • At the time of independence, Pakistan began its travel with a narrow focus on national health curative services policy.
  • After the Alma Ata Declaration, health paradigm transferred to primary healthcare and for that purpose.
  • The Government introduced many changes to the infrastructure by providing primary health care services.
  • This resulted in the provision of PHC services in the entire urban population with 70%.
  • The rural population with health facilities within 5 kilometers.
  • National health policy was adopt in 1990 in which all aspects of health as physical. Social and mental health added to Improve Life Quality.

Government Vertical Programs:

Another important initiative was taken by Pakistan is the health sector. To reduce infant and maternal mortality with the help of foreign aid funds. As a result, the Government of Pakistan planned vertical programs with foreign funds such as Maternal and Child Health Care, Expanded Program on Immunization, Information communication and education (IEC) campaign for the use of oral rehydration salt diarrhoea and Lady Health packs Worker and National Maternal and Child Program Health Program (MCH) at all levels of the health care system to change the current health system.

 Analysis In Pakistan Health Care System:

Pakistan is improving very slowly in the health sector for the last five decades as it is very evident by its Health indicators and the above-mentioned strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the Government needs to take
Strong analysis initiatives to change the current health care system.

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