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British Council Pakistan

British Council Pakistan Guarantees Cambridge Exams Sop Compliance With Shafqat Mahmood

The British Council Pakistan guarantees Cambridge exams SOP compliance With the Shafqat Mehmood. The Pakistan Council assured federal education prime minister Shafqat Mehmood on Thursday at Cambridge Exams. Then all the standard infectious disease surgeries would be applied in the forthcoming. The president of the British Cambridge Council of Pakistan met today.

British Council Pakistan

According to a revised timetable published by Cambridge. He described the decision to take the test as a last resort and repeatedly stressed. That it would not change. During a press conference on Tuesday, Shafqat Mehmood spoke to the parents. And students who will have to pass international tests in Cambridge. Only about 85,000 students have passed the O and A level exams in Pakistan, compared to the 4 million students who took the regional committee exams. Prime Minister Shafqat Mehmood said the A and O level courses were taken a week before the scheduled tests in Pakistan. The problem is not that the government’s policy has completely changed. The O and A level exams will begin on April 26th after 20 days of O and A level tests from May 10.

Cambridge Exams SOP for Pakistan

The prime minister said, health and education officials from all four states. And institutions unanimously agreed, that there would be no change due to the small number of students affected. And the lack of government oversight by the Cambridge Exams Committee of Inquiry. To take advantage of scheduled scores this year, O and A-level test schedule exams will not be canceled.

Test Center for Students

We have confirmed that Cambridge will fully comply with the SOP coronavirus. The O and A level exams will begin on April 26th after 20 days of O and A level tests from May 10. Then the students will be sitting at six-meter tables. Prime Minister Shafqat Mehmood said that the Cambridge exams were easy to manage due to the relatively small number of intelligent students.

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